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Model: Discretionary funds or other resources are allocated to advance implementation of all the strategies outlined in the STEM Program Plan and a sustainability plan is in place

7.4 - Resource Allocation

We are currently funded under the i3 grant for innovation in education. Our grant provides funding in the areas outlined in our STEM program plan. Our budget categories include; travel (STEM conferences), PD materials, instructional supplies, robotics materials, STEM outreach/events, digital PBL content, digital content integrations, extensions of learning, and student field trips. Our grant provides funding for four years but we are currently working on a sustainability plan with our grant officers and evaluation team. Our school district has added two additional STEM schools this year due to the success and high demand of our pipeline. They are continuing to support STEM and give additional resources to our teachers outside of the grant funds. We have also developed many partnerships that have provided funding for our STEM pipeline.


On a school level, our School Improvement Team has worked with teachers to invest in materials and tools that directly relate to our vision of being leaders in STEM education. Teachers/grade levels submit requests to the team. Requests are evaluated by the team and approved if they align with our school goals. This process gives our teachers and staff opportunities to purchase materials that will support classrooms in their implementation of STEM. The majority of items purchased from both sources (school and grant) are non-consumable. This has allowed us to build up our resources for times when funds are not so readily available. We also have designated school level funds for new technology purchasing and upkeep/repair. 


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