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Model: A variety of school/program-level student data on STEM performance (from test scores to work samples) is available monthly to administrators and teachers, and is used to inform instructional and programmatic decisions throughout the year


7.3 - Program Data

Teachers and administrators work together weekly to evaluate student data to drive instructional decisions at Patriots STEM Elementary. The administration team at Patriots is very visible during PLC meetings and participate in the decision making process when teachers look at student work samples and test data. We have several instructional programs that use technology and feed data to administrators, teachers, and coaches daily. These programs include; Discovery Education, iReady, Dreambox, iCurio, and DefinedSTEM. The data collection of all these programs as well as teacher input is organized in data team spreadsheets to be evaluated. Administrators also look at this data as well as EVAAS to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement with subgroups in their classroom. 


The instructional coaches and administrators meet weekly in a coaching PLC to look at the many sources of student data available and problem solve how to drive our coaching efforts to increase student proficiency across the building. This team makes school level decisions after data analysis is complete. Examples of this include the hiring of intervention support staff, intervention pullout groups, enrichment pullout groups, purchasing of materials, and professional development offerings.  On a monthly basis, this team also evaluates the quality of PBL instruction using our PBL Framework rubric. Data collection from this source drives professional development and strategic coaching. 


Retention in our STEM pipeline has been a great source of data collection over the past two years. We have completed student surveys, parent surveys, and student focus groups to help us determine how to better serve our STEM community. This data has been used to improve our STEM program and communicate with families about STEM opportunities. 



Data from a student focus group, used to help make informed decisions about increasing retention in the STEM pipeline. 

Student survey results reveal what they like and dislike about STEM instruction and PBL.

Example of Discovery Education Benchmark Data used to help guide interventions and pull-out groups

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