Model: Project-based learning is regularly used throughout all subject areas, which includes all STEM content areas as well as additional subjects
1.1 - Frequency of PBL
Patriots STEM Elementary has high expectations for PBL lesson implementation in all classrooms. The minimum requirement of one PBL per unit of study in all subject areas is outlined in our staff handbook. Our teachers have embraced the philosophy of Problem Based Learning and include it far more often than the minimum requirements. Each summer, we host four PBL curriculum-writing days during which grade levels collaborate and write new classroom PBLs. During these four days, teachers meet with their grade levels, subject areas, and vertical groups (K-12) to improve PBL opportunities for the school year. At this time, teachers create their “Year at a Glance” document, which is used to make sure each unit in math, science, social studies, reading, and writing have PBL opportunities for students.
We also hold high standards for the quality of PBLs being taught at Patriots STEM Elementary. Each month our STEM coach evaluates PBLs from each grade level for quality and to help increase the rigor of lessons taught at Patriots STEM Elementary. PBLs are evaluated on their real world tethers/connections, curriculum links, collaborative inquiry, multi-faceted assessments, integration opportunities, horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, student engagement and 21st century skills. In addition to the feedback provided on the submitted PBLs, our STEM coach works directly with teachers to create new PBLs and to improve existing ones.
In August, our staff meets to go over yearly expectations. Our staff handbook contains this document to guide teachers with PBL implementation. Many teachers far exceed the minimum. Each year the goal for PBLs is raised to encourage teachers to push themselves in the implementation of problem based learning.
Each grade level uses the Year at a Glance document to ensure PBL implementation across all subject areas. Our county curriculum maps were inserted into the document to allow for integration across subject areas. As you can see in this sample YAAG (Year at a Glance) teachers have filled in PBL lesson titles for each unit taught during the year. Our school expectation is that at least one PBL is taught per unit of study.
Using the Year at a Glance document, teachers build their PBLs with all current content standards in mind. With this document, integration across units is encouraged and connections are made. To the right, you will find our PBL Lesson Framework. This format is used to submit PBLs at our school. Each PBL is assessed in ten critical areas including integration and collaboration for teachers and students. This ensures quality PBL instruction as well as, consistent expectations across the school and county.
The posters below were presented by Patriots' teachers at the 2015 Innovative Teaching Showcase at UNC Charlotte. These are examples of PBLs and how they are presented by teachers at our school.
Below is a summative list of PBLs taught each year at Patriots.