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Model: Over 75% of STEM core and elective teachers regularly use multiple indicators of success, including knowledge- and performance-based assessments (projects, portfolios, etc.)

4.1 - Authentic Assessments

All curriculum units (ELA, math, social studies, science, healthful living, visual arts, and performing arts) were designed with UbD (Understanding by Design) frameworks. This is a three-stage "backward planning" curriculum design process. The three stages include identifying desired results, providing evidence, and finally developing a learning plan. By using this design process, our units are developed with the end results in mind. Therefore, evaluation of assessment tools and identifying learning outcomes are the first steps in teacher planning.  Each unit contains several assessment pieces that are divided into "performance tasks" and "other evidence of student learning." Teachers have access to all of these assessments, giving students multiple opportunities and a variety of ways to show mastery. (A sample UbD is found on our evidence page.)   


In Kindergarten through third grade, teachers report student learning on standards based report cards. Each standard area is assessed using performance tasks as well as knowledge based assessments from the UbDs. Teachers record both data sets together to make decisions about student mastery for each goal. 


All teachers in the school also use PBL instruction to monitor student mastery of content objectives. All Patriots PBLs include multifaceted assessments that include self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and project rubrics. This is a part of our PBL framework that teachers use to write new PBLs. 


Our teachers also use the technology available to assess students quickly and gain instant feedback for their small group instruction. Many of our teachers use programs such as ExitTix and Plickers to pull small groups during math and readers' workshop. Some grade levels use tools such as Mastery Connect and Discovery Education to create common formative assessments and to share across their grade level. Students throughout the school use apps such as SeeSaw and ShowMe to create online portfolios with video proof of their work and concept mastery. They also use online discussion boards, blogs, and online collaboration tools to problem solves.



The pictures to the left are a sample Stage 2 UbD from First Grade Unit 1: Understanding Place Value. It also has pictures of some of the assessments available with the UbD

UbD Stage 2
Performance Task from UbD
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Teachers use ExitTix to quickly gain insight into student knowledge and mastery. This 5th grade example is from an ELA class. The teacher uses this information to pull small groups to reteach skills. 

The picture on the left shows an examples of a Kindergarten PBL rubric. This exampleis a self-assess tool students use to assess their own work. 

Teachers use discussion forums in Canvas and Schoology to gain insight to student thinking. This weather example shows the informal nature some assessments might take when teachers push and continue to challenge student thinking. 

The video below is a first grade student using the app, Showme. Teachers use this type of video to create online portfolios of student learning. 

Fifth grade roller coaster PBL rubric

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