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Model: STEM teachers seamlessly integrate computer-based, online, mobile, virtual, and/or other technology tools into instruction; the technology is consistently in the hands of students

3.3 - Computer & Web-Based Technology

Teachers at Patriots STEM Elementary have created lessons and classroom activities that give students opportunities to learn with technology everyday. We have daily technology goals with our adaptive learning programs, as well as technology connections to PBL in classrooms. Several Patriots teachers have presented Blended Learning professional development throughout our county as well as hosted visitors from around the state to observe the technology use in our classrooms. We are constantly finding ways to involve students in collaboration, communication, applying critical thinking skills, and being creative with technology experiences. In order to focus our technology use, all students attend a technology special each week where they learn computer basics and skills that apply to the classroom experience. Our technology special works to teach the specific programs, tools, and technology concepts that will be used in the classroom lessons. This allows teachers to focus all classroom time on content instead of taking time to teach the technology needed for the lesson. 


5th grade math teachers use Schoology as a learning management system in the classroom. Students and parents have access to course content. Many teachers throughout the school use Schoology,  Canvas, and Google Classroom to organize content for students. The second picture is a science Canvas course developed by another 5th grade teacher.

3rd grade students at Patriots are participating in Global Read Aloud. They are collaborating via Google Hangout and Schoology to connect with classrooms in other countries. This class is participating with a class in Canada. 


First grade plays pac man with makey makey circuits.


Kindergarten students explore shapes with OSMO


Flying drones at Patriots STEM Elementary


Kindergarten robotics club explores BeeBots


Students participate in a modified "flipped" classroom during Readers' Workshop


First grade math students using DreamBox


First grade students using iReady during Readers' Workshop

Digital Learning Day: 4th grade coll

Digital Learning Day: 4th grade students teach 1st graders about coding


3rd grade robotics

2nd grade students complete research

2nd grade students complete research for a Thanksgiving PBL


5th grade students use WireCast to write, produce, and broadcast a live news program each morning.


1st grade teams use QR codes to review math concepts.

Second grade ELA teacher, Chelsea Noah, explains how she uses technology in her classroom. 

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