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Prepared: At least twice a year STEM teachers vertically plan within their school; once a year STEM teachers plan across school-levels (elementary, middle and/or high) 

10.1 - Vertical Planning

Vertical planning takes place at Patriots, as well as within our STEM pipeline. Each summer, teachers participate in four STEM Planning days, two days in June after school is over, and two days in August before school begins. In June, our teachers come together K-5 to evaluate STEM instruction and PBL outcomes for the school year. Teachers discuss PBL opportunities and look for growth across grade levels while building PBLs that grow with students vertically through our schools. Teachers also use this time to organize all PBL lessons and activities into curricular units and evaluate their effectiveness and reflect on ways to improve. The two days in August look very different. One of those days all STEM teachers in our K-12 Pipeline meet and plan together. We evaluate the program and especially focus on retention points. (5-6, 8-9) We bring PBLs and share the vertical progression for students K-12. We are also provided two STEM planning days during the school year. Teachers get substitutes in their classrooms and we meet as grade level teams with Coltrane to do alignment across our schools. 

Kindergarten through 12th grade STEM teachers collaborate at Patriots during the summer STEM curriculum writing days. Teachers vertically align PBLs and pipeline retention activities.

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