Model: STEM teachers participate in 30 or more hours per year of STEM-related professional development which addresses integrated content, community/industry partnerships, connections with postsecondary education, pedagogy, and/or digital learning.
5.4 - Frequency of PD
All teachers at Patriots participate in 30 hours of STEM PD each year. PD Attendance is taken at each session and logged by our STEM coach. The PD activities offered at Patriots include time with our business partners to explore STEM connections in our community, time to work with new and changing digital tools, content/grade level specific workshops, and job-embedded PD from our instructional coaches. Each teacher is offered options in their learning journey as they continue to grow professionally in our STEM community. For the first semester of the 2015-2016 school year, Patriots teachers have averaged 44 hours of STEM professional development.
The chart below shows STEM PD hours logged by each teacher. This is only the first semester and you can see that many have already met and exceeded the 30 hours of STEM PD. In fact, the average time logged by teachers is 44 hours.
One of our business partners at Discovery Education Studios presenting PBL Professional Development for 4th Grade teachers.