Model: One-way communication tools, such as websites and newsletters, and/or two-way tools, like social media platforms, webinars, and meetings, are used monthly to communicate internally and externally about STEM program activities
9.2 - Communication Tools
Patriots STEM Elementary uses several methods to communicate about STEM activities happening throughout the school.
Our technology facilitator maintains the school website, but each staff member also has a website that can be used to share information with school families and community members. Many teachers use this forum to post pictures of students, showcase (or celebrate) projects, and communicate useful information about learning occurring in the classroom. Along with websites our school and teachers develop newsletters to convey information. Our school newsletter, The Patriots Press, is a monthly online newsletter that is sent home to all families. It is also printed and sent home to families without access to technology. The Patriots Press has articles written by each grade level that include their STEM news and activities for the month. Social Media has become a great way to showcase the work being done at Patriots. Our school maintains Facebook and Twitter accounts that are updated by instructional coaches and administrators. Our STEM Coach has a twitter account that is used to share STEM instructional practices. Many of our teachers have social media accounts in order to share their STEM activities as well. These accounts include Twitter, Facebook, and Bloomz.
Patriots STEM Elementary maintains a Facebook and Twitter page to inform parents and community members about events within the school.
Third grade teachers are using the Bloomz app to communicate and share information with parents
Our STEM coach has a Twitter account that is used to share STEM information with teachers and the community.
This is an example of the Patriots Press, Our school's monthly newsletter