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Prepared: Students, teachers and administrators celebrate high-quality student work in STEM with quarterly on-site and online exhibits

4.3 - Celebrate STEM Work

Celebration of STEM innovation and high quality work is demonstrated through the halls and classrooms of Patriots STEM Elementary.  Bulletin boards showcase student learning and pictures of student accomplishments. We have three display cases in the school that showcase student projects and STEM work. Many teachers are working to add pictures to their websites to celebrate student work and share with families the work happening during the school day. Our Design Squad has a special page on our website that shares pictures of each project! Pictures of exceptional STEM work is also shared on a TV slide show as you enter our school building. Kids are always excited to see their projects or pictures of themselves working on PBLs on the television. 


Student work is displayed throughout the school in hallways and in teacher classrooms. Teachers celebrate high quality STEM work by diplaying products as well as adding pictures to their websites. 


Sample teacher website, celebrating and sharing student work.

Even teachers at Patriots STEM elementary are rewarded for being innovative in the classroom. Our STEMy awards are given out at staff meetings as an extra way to praise teachers for going the extra mile with STEM instruction.

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