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Model: Weekly, STEM teachers share or co-create STEM activities or ideas and plan learning outcomes through professional learning community meetings and common planning time


1.3 - Collaborative PLCs

The master schedule at Patriots is developed with common planning time for all grade level teachers. Each grade level receives at least 45 minutes each day to plan with each other as well as develop PBLs, make rubrics, discuss common assessments, and participate in PLCs. Most grade levels have divided planning responsibilities among teachers. Each grade level has at least two teachers focused on STEM instruction, planning, and student growth in STEM curriculum areas, as well as two teachers completely focused on math instruction and planning. Each grade level has a specified "grade level planning" day (either Tuesday or Thursday) that is reserved for uninterrupted time to work and plan together as a team. Planning teams bring planning materials to evaluate and share with the grade level. They also use this time to develop new PBLs or update/improve existing PBLs. 


Wednesdays at Patriots are reserved for PLC. Administrators, as well as instructional coaches join grade level teams to discuss student progress, identify learning outcomes, and make adjustments to interventions /grouping as necessary. At this time, student data is discussed and content plans are created or adjusted to meet student needs. 

Below is the master calendar. You will see the common planning times highlighted in yellow. Each grade level receives at least 45 minutes each day to plan instruction. 


Planning teams for each grade level are listed below. By dividing subject areas, we are able to remain focused on STEM instruction while maintaining strong reading instruction

Grade level and subject area PLCs are evaluated twice a year, using the rubric to the left. Each PLC is responsible for setting SMART goals to direct the work of PLCs all year long based on these performance areas. 

Our teachers at Patriots use the technology available to create lessons and share them with each other. The picture above is from the creative commons on Canvas. It is a place our teachers share lessons/flipped videos they have created with their teams. 

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