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Model: STEM teachers collaborate at least biweekly to reflect on student work, to discuss strategies for using the results to inform instruction, and to co-create various measures of student success. 

4.2 - Teachers Collaboratively Develop Assessments

PLC meetings at Patriots revolve around the creation of assessment tools, compiling student data, analyzing grade level data, and adjusting instruction and interventions to meet the needs of students. This is a weekly process at Patriots and gives all teachers, administrators, and coaches a chance to look at the growth of students and find areas to develop within our building. Data is collected and shared in math, reading, and science for PLCs to analyze.


Teachers develop assessments in many different ways. Our upper grades use Canvas to create assessments and share them with each other in the creative commons area. By sharing assessments, we are able to analyze grade level data and compare the growth of all students. These teachers also use programs such as Exit Tix, Mastery Connect, and Discovery Education to create assessments for students. Teachers also use the assessments found in our UbDs and evaluate questions for use in our current classrooms. 

The table on the left is an excel document our 2nd grade math teachers use to look at data during PLC meetings.  They use this information to look at student growth throughout a unit and find opportunities to work with our interventionists on specific skills with small groups. 


Our third grade team uses Mastery Connect to create CFAs (common formative assessments) They upload them to the community to share across the grade level.

This is an example of what Mastery Connect looks like once students have been given an assessment. Teachers use this data to group students for instruction and provide interventions. 

Administrators and Instructional Coaches use the document below to complile assessment data and evaluate interventions with teachers. This document is created for each grade level to track student growth and target students for intervention and enrichment.

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