Model: A fully-formed STEM Leadership Team has led stakeholders in a collaborative design process to create a STEM program plan that is aligned with school and/or school-system strategic plans, focused on student participation in the STEM pipeline and demonstrates evidence of 11 STEM Attributes
7.1 - STEM Program Plan
Our STEM Leadership Team has been formed within our district and includes district leadership, community partners, STEM advisory council, STEM coaches, project director, STEM teachers, parents, and students. The STEM program plan developed by the team has four main components; problem-based learning, personalized tech-enabled instructional practices, student real-world tethers, and high quality teacher development and support. With these actions our K-12 pipeline's goal is to advance student achievement, engagement, preparation, and rigor. The goals of our program include; increasing student engagement in STEM, increasing STEM pipeline participation and retention, reduced achievement gaps in STEM, increased student aspirations and preparedness in STEM careers, improved participation in STEM in and out of school activities, and improved educator skills to support STEM development in our students.
Our school also maintains a STEM plan as part of our School Improvement Plan. The school improvement team meets throughout the year to align our school with county STEM goals as well as the STEM attributes recognized by NCDPI.
Figure 1 is from our STEM program plan. It shows our integrated approach to STEM instruction and the connections made through our four major components.
Figure 4 is another graphic from our district STEM program plan. This chart identifies the stakeholders, actions, outputs, and outcomes.
The table below outlines the risks identified by our program plan and our strategies to deal with such risks.
Partners involved in the development and implementation of our STEM program plan